Sunday, November 6, 2011

February 25, 2011: Signing Book of Condolences

Date:          February 25, 2011
Where:       Haymarket, London, UK
Event:         Signing of Book of Condolences for victims of Christchurch, New Zealand eartquake

Dress:         Red dress
Coat:          Black trench coat
Shoes:        Aquatalia "Rumba" boots in black
Purse:         Black clutch

Aquatalia "Rumba" boots in black suede

William, Catherine, and Prince Harry traveled to the High Commission in London's Haymarket to pay their respects to the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake victims.

Catherine wore a red dress, topped with a black trenchcoat. She wore black suede Aquatalia "Rumba" boots and black hose and carried a black clutch. She wore her hair down with the ends curled.

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